To purchase dolls on this page: Send me an email with the name of the doll you want, and your Paypal email address to
You can also contact me through my FB page
You can also contact me through my FB page
ALL funds raised from the sales of the dolls/ items on THIS page will be donated to
A copy of the Paypal receipt for the donation I made from the item you purchased will be emailed to you.
A copy of the Paypal receipt for the donation I made from the item you purchased will be emailed to you.
Thank you for your help and generosity!
Welcome to my "Giving Back" page.
All dolls/items posted on this page are for sale, and all the procedes from the sale of these dolls are donated directly to the ASPCA Kitten Nursery.
Although the ASPCA cares for and tends to the medical needs and adoption efforts of may different types of animals, these donations are specifically for the kittens in the Kitten Nursery (see link above)
I have always loved cats, ever since I was just a little girl. I grew up with them and my hubby and I now have two precious fur babies of our own plis a feral outdoor cat we take care of. I can't imagine life without them.
There is something so wonderful and special about cats. I look at ours , sleeping peacefully without a care in the world on a warm fuzzy little blanket, or running around all over the house playing with their favorite toys, or laying down to enjoy a good rub while soaking up all the love and cuddles we can give them and it makes me wish that every kitten in the world could have a safe, warm and cozy home to live in where they could be care- free, utterly loved and well cared for.
They just want to play, sleep, eat, cuddle, love and be loved. They are gentle, loyal, affectionate, playful, fun and very intelligent little fur-beings. They ask for so little from us yet they give so much love and joy in return.
.Primitive Handmade Bunny Rabbit Doll $50 With Free Shipping Kindly Spoken For! Thank You For Your Donation Kathy!

SOLD...THANK YOU for your support!