I'm a self taught artist who was born and raised in Bucks County, PA, and now live in Colts Neck, NJ (hopefully to return to PA one day with my husband and fur babies!). I have been running my shop Cozy Creek Primitives for over a decade! Here in my little home-based shop, I value quality over quantity. I take my time and put lots of loving attention to detail into every original One-Of-A-Kind piece of art I create, along with plenty of imagination, uniqueness, and whimsy! I don't have anyone working with me or for me (well, except Scamper, the rather sizable Siberian Forest Cat I hired as my Production Oversight Manager). I create each and every doll, every stitch, every detail from start to finish by myself. I don’t use professional lighting, backgrounds or camera tricks to photograph my creations; they are never touched up; what you see is just what you get! My photos show my dolls in normal, every day backgrounds and regular home lighting conditions. I want you to see what they’ll look like in your warm and cozy home, not in a sterile and cold studio setting. I use only high quality materials to create my art. I make sure that my items are solid, sturdy and well constructed. I realize that my items aren't just a decoration for one season, or one holiday. I know they will be brought out year after year, or on display every day of the year. Some will be given to loved ones and special friends as gifts or even handed down to children and grandchildren... they become part of a family and a home, so I make sure each one is very special. I use only non-toxic, U.S.A.-sourced materials in the creation of my art and nothing that I use has a chemical odor. Chemicals bother me so I know they must bother others as well. The only scent my dolls will have are the light, pleasant, heart-warming smells of coffee, tea, cinnamon and vanilla. I use only hypoallergenic stuffing and all of my items are created in a completely smoke-free and clean environment. DISCLAIMER: Every piece of art I create has to first receive Scamper's "Kitten Paw Print of Approval" before it enters my shop for sale! Scamper loves to hang out on my work table to supervise and help with everything I do! Every piece of art is signed and dated by me, then stamped with a little paw print to represent Scamper! I enjoy knowing the items I create with my heart, here in my home surrounded by the love of my family, will be treasured by my customers as a part of their own homes and families! God Bless, Wendy Marro

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

In the Meadow....the SNOWMEN are Decorating a Tree!

It's a twist on a favorite line from a Christmas carol, but hey, that's what the snowmen on this farm are up to!  Obviously, there was a generous helping of snow that fell last night and they're just taking advantage of Mother Nature's raw materials to create some art for themselves.

As the old windmill spins away in the yard and the people inside haven't even started to make the morning coffee, these mischievous snow creatures decided "why should those people in the warm box have all the fun?!?!?"  So they've taken it on themselves to make one of the trees look a little more festive before Farmer Jones comes out to feed the animals.


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